My Favorite Horror Movies 1934 to the present (too scared to go pre-code!)
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid

1. Psycho
(Alfred Hitchcock)

2. Midsommar
(Ari Aster)

3. The Exorcist
(William Friedkin)

4. The Shining
(Stanley Kubrick)

5. Alien
(Ridley Scott)

6. Take Shelter
(Jeff Nichols)

7. Under the Skin
(Jonathan Glazer)

8. Hereditary
(Ari Aster)

9. Carrie
(Brian De Palma)

10. Halloween
(John Carpenter)

11. Rosemary’s Baby
(Roman Polanski)

12. Don’t Look Now
(Nicholas Roeg)

13. Get Out
(Jordan Peel)

14. The Night of the Hunter
(Charles Laughton)

15. Carnival of Souls
(Herk Harvey)

16. Dead of Night

17. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
(Philip Kaufman)

18. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
(Don Siegel)

19. The Innocents
(Jack Clayton)

20. The Lighthouse
(David Eggers)

21. The Sixth Sense
(M. Night Shyamalan)

22. The Others
(Alejandro Amenabar)

23. Suspiria
(Dario Argento)

24. The Haunting
(Robert Wise)

25. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
(Robert Aldrich)

26. The Fly
(David Cronenberg)

27. The Night of the Living Dead
(George A. Romero)

28. The Birds
(Alfred Hitchcock)

29. The Evil Dead
(Sam Rami)

30. The Masque of the Red Death
(Roger Corman)

31. Bram Stoker’s Dracula
(Francis Ford Coppola)

32. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(Tobe Hooper)

33. A Quiet Place
(John Krasinski)

34. Picnic at Hanging Rock
Peter Weir

35. 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later.
Danny Boyle | Carlo Fresnadillo
2003 | 2007

36. Jaws
(Steven Spielberg)

37. Pearl
(Ty West)

38. An American Werewolf in London
(John Landis)

39. The Howling
(Joe Dante)

40. Scream
(Wes Craven)

41. The Thing
(John Carpenter)

42. Poltergeist
(Tobe Hooper)

43. Eyes Without a Face
(Georges Franju)

44. The Bride of Frankenstein
(James Whale)

45. The Spiral Staircase
(Robert Siodmak)

46. Ringu
(Hideo Nakata)

47. The Omen
(Richard Donner)

48. 1408
(Mikael Hafstrom)

49. Dawn of the Dead
(George A. Romero)

50. Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice
(Lee H. Katzin)
Psycho (1960) Film Review A+ – TheBrownees
The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) Film Review A- TheBrownees
The Haunting (1963) Film Review B+ – TheBrownees
Whatever Happened Baby Jane? (1962) Film Review A+ – TheBrownees
Carrie (1976) Film Review A+ – TheBrownees
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) Film Review A- TheBrownees
Mia Goth Astonishes in X (2022) and Pearl (2022) A- TheBrownees